Past Midway Ramblings on Business & Life

ArchiveAugust 2024

Opposing Forces – Growth from Difficulty

When our children were little, we replicated the time-honored tradition of putting the kids to bed each evening. Once the baby fell asleep, we would often close the door to attenuate household noises, especially the clamor of older siblings bustling about, lest we wake the baby. This brings us to a cardinal rule young parents learn quickly: Rule #1: Do NOT wake the baby. …especially late in the...

Progressions in Math

(An Introduction to Your Future Math Classes) An exceptional teacher is distinguished by a constellation of critical attributes. Among these include a mastery of the material, an innate desire to teach, a modicum of patience, a splash of pizzaz for entertainment, a creative approach to communicate concepts to various learning styles, an element of storytelling, and more. I had a professor in the...

Past Midway Ramblings on Business & Life

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